Saturday 23 April 2011


I'm a very reflective person. I'm always looking back at situations and most of the time, I am never thankful. I am not thankful for the good things that happen.

I wouldn't say my manners are terrible. I say thank you when I am given something, I try very hard to say please and I always show appreciation for a slap up meal!! 

I've been looking back this morning at my journal. I've been thinking back about 2011 so far. And I gotta say, it's been a crazy few months so far. Very busy, lots going on inside and a mix of situations.

I'm very much a "glass half full" find of person. I look at the negative in everything. I don't mean to. I don't even like negative things. When people never have anything good to say (this is in real life and facebook statuses) I get quite frustrated. Yet, I look at things with a tint of negativity.

But so many good things have happened this year, where I as a Christian believe God has been fulfilling his plan in my life. Let me share with you a few public examples:

1. How does someone call themselves a successful youth worker? You can't. Because how is success measured? It can't be. But there have been milestones within my youth work to say the very least. Two young people I work with, one who is a mentee has preached twice this year. Not just in a youth group of 2 people, but at a youth event and 6 days later, church. Another young person is becoming increasingly passionate about worship and his keyboard skills are growing so much. To be involved in their lives and for God to use me has been very exciting.

2. I'm very passionate about music. How good I am is entirely different. But I said about a year or two ago to some people, God took music away from me and now he has given it back. I have not only run two music camps this year, launched a music club in Exmouth for people who want to learn music, I have recorded an EP due out in the next month.

Small dreams coming true, seeing fruit in my labours all thanks to God. But there comes a place where you wonder if you are tired? Fed up? This verse from the Bible is really speaking to me at the moment - Isaiah 58v11:

The LORD will guide you always;
   he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land
   and will strengthen your frame.
You will be like a well-watered garden,
   like a spring whose waters never fail.

And through this, I am excited about youth work, music, life. It's time to see the glass not only half full, but overflowing. It's time to say "Lord, stuff in life sucks. But you have delivered upon your promises and given so many good things to me in my life and I thank you for it."


1 comment:

  1. just found your blog, really like it!
