Thursday 1 March 2012

Jeremiah 29v11: "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans for welfare, and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope."

This is a scripture I believe the Lord has given me recently. Taken in the fact that God's plan for the exiles is welfare (shalom, peace) in a future and hope. There's a glorious promise. It's a promise that still rings true today.

I have been really challenged recently about humility. I joke with my friends, "I am the most humble guy in the room you guys!! No, no, you are not more humble than me!" but actually, I need to challenge myself on this.

Yesterday, I decided to go to the SWYM South Cluster group, as it had been a while since I had been. Brad and Robin Ringer are on their yearly rounds of doing SWYM stuff, which is awesome. I'm always inspired by the teachings by bring.

We were thinking about purity and I could go on for ages about the session, I want to reflect on the end part. As we prayed, we asked God to highlight anything in our life we need to sort out. A big one was me was pride. The other was bitterness. I was quite shocked by this.

How often have I thought, "Why are they doing this? Haven't I paid my dues?" or "How did they get there so quickly when I slaved over it for years?" How many times have I thought I am too good to do the washing up at camps and events? How many times have I considered myself "better" than others, or "more worthy?"

My first prayer request when I joined SWYM was to remove pride. It's my prayer request again. It's time to be a servant again. I remember being told the best leader is the best servant.

What does this have to do with the scriptures? I guess sometimes, I wish ridiculous wishes. Why am I not doing this? Shouldn't I be doing that over that person? God has plans for welfare in my life, not evil. God has a future and a hope for me. And it's the best future. The best hope.

There's my dream. God's big picture! God's future. God's hope.

What about you my friends? It's nice to see a Desmond brought down a level, I think so. But what does this have to do with you?

Jeremiah 29v11: "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans for welfare, and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope."


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