Wednesday 9 March 2011

Counts Your Blessings

I don't know if you are anything like me, but I have quite a big issue in my life. I always seem to focus on the negative.

Like, imagine you've had a wicked day, about 20 different amazing things happen but that one bad thing (Maybe someone saying you didn't clean the church oven well enough? Just an example from the back of my head) is the one thing you dwell on? This is the story of my life.

But there have been a lot of amazing things happening recently too. And I guess it's now time to count my blessings.

So I remember saying to a few friends recently that God took music away from me and now has given it back in full swing. I've never considered myself and still don't consider myself an amazing musician, but I love it. I love to listen to it, I love to write it and flipping well love to play it. I also have a passion for teaching too.

This last year, there are some big things happening. I run with other people two camps (one that is successful and the other we'll find out what it's like at the end of the month) I've just launched a music group for young people eager to learn an instrument and learn skills of working in a band and just having a good time.

I believe God has given me some songs to play for people too (you can hear them on but please don't think I'm blogging to force you to listen to my music) and in April, I should be recording an EP to give to people. I also have a few shows lined up and a few places to lead worship for Christians.

I mean, that's saying something. God has blessed me with some wonderful friends, a lovely place to live, finance, clothes, enough food (Sometimes maybe too much)

It's time I count my blessings more.

Bible verse for this blog is Joshua 1v9 as God is commisioning him:

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”


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